Recent documentaries


Version : French, English, Arabe
Duration : 22'
Format : 35mm., 16mm., Béta SP, digital file
Producer : SALADIN Productions
Country France
With Texte dit par Mohammed ARKOUN
Music Anouar BRAHEM
Picture Federico RIBES
Stage set Marrakech (Morocco), Grenade (Spain)
With the participation of ALIF Productions

Original title : Les Almohades

Following in the footsteps of the Almohads from Tinmel, the cradle of the movement, and Marrakech, the capital of their empire, to Seville where only a minaret recalls the memory of the conqueror Yacoub el Mansour, we will grasp the specificity of an Almohad aesthetic, at work in the mosque of Tinmel, La Koutoubiya and La Giralda. Taking note of the disintegration of their empire in 1269, we will follow their descendants to the ultimate achievement of the Hispano-Moorish civilization: the Alhambra of Granada whose magnificence encourages nostalgic reverie, the temptation to rewrite history …