Documentaries 50/60


Jean-Jacques LANGUEPIN
Duration : 54'
Format : 35 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Black & white
Producer : ARMOR FILMS - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Sherpa TENSING, Roger DUPLAT, Gilbert VIGNES, les membres de l'équipe
Music Jean WIENER
Picture Jean-Jacques LANGUEPIN
With the participation of Club Alpin Français, Comité Lyonnais de l'Himalaya
Archive footage - Views of Delhi flooded after the rain,
- Herd of antelopes running free,
- Women fetching water from a well,
- Old bus on a rocky, crumbling road,
- Badrina, a sacred city on the Ganges, temples and pilgrims,
- Lively discussions between sherpas, coolies and mountaineers,
- Approach walks in the mountains: river crossings, scree slopes and snowy walls, ropes, exhausted men,
- Camps in altitude and under the snow,
- Tribute to the missing,
- Various images of the Sherpa TENSING.

Original Title : À l’assaut de l’Himalaya

In 1951, the third French expedition to the Himalayas set out to conquer the 7,800 m high Nanda Devi. After days of difficult approach, the expedition set up its base camp at an altitude of 5,000 m. The ascent of Nanda Devi then began, which ended tragically for the two climbers, Roger DUPLAT and Gilbert VIGNES.