Recent documentaries


Version : French
Duration : 26'
Format : Béta SP - Mpeg 4
Black & white and colors
Scriptwriter : Yvan FAVREAU
Producer : P.A.V. Communication
Country France
Picture Yvan FAVREAU
Stage set Britany : Pont-Aven, Le Pouldu
Archive footage - Various paintings by Gauguin,
- Portrait of Van Gogh by Gauguin,
- Portrait of Gauguin by Van Gogh,
- Sites of Pont-Aven and Le Pouldu,
- Sculptures by Gauguin,

Original title : La Chute du Barbare

This film deals with the Pont-Aven period in Gauguin’s work and his difficulty in practising his painting due to his lack of money and the disarray of his family situation. The voice-over reads from letters Gauguin wrote to his friends and family, in which he talks about his loneliness, his failing imagination and his passionate relationship with Van Gogh. From Brittany, without seeing his family again, he set sail for Tahiti where, alongside painting, he practised sculpture. He died at the age of 54 without returning to France.