Documentaries 50/60

LEÇ0N DE CHOSES (Lesson of things)

Version : French
Duration : 11'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm.
Black & white
Producer : ARMOR Films
Country France
With Commentaire dit par René LEBRUN
Music Jacques de LA CROIX
Picture Mario MARRET
Stage set Provence

In Haute-Provence, two young city dwellers enjoy the perfect holiday with a shepherd who knows every rock in the mountains and knows how to be kind and gentle to them. But all it takes is a chance encounter with the mauve clumps of thyme and lavender to reveal to them a tiny world of insects, a savage, implacable and merciless world, and they discover that nature imposes its law through cruelty. But the task is beyond them. Under their astonished eyes, crimes are committed in silence throughout the day. In the luminous landscapes of Provence, the sun does not shine for everyone.