Documentaries 50/60


Version : French
Duration : 11'
Format : 35 mm - Béta Digit. - Béta SP,
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Mario MARRET
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Commentaire dit par René LEBRUN
Music Thémes originaux colombiens
Picture Mario MARRET
Stage set Rio Cali in Colombia
Archive footage - Boatmen on the Cali river,
- Sand fishermen and children shovelling sand,
- Felling bamboo in the forest and transporting the cuttings on the river,
- Construction of a bamboo raft topped by a hut,
- Piroguier steering the raft with a bamboo paddle,
- View of the village along the river.

For a very long time, in the lower tropical valley of the Rio Cali, in Colombia, the small village of Juanchito has been involved in some very curious activities: fishing for sand at the bottom of the river.
These people, descendants of slaves, have managed to preserve their love of life and their sense of nature, typical of Africa. They have turned the river into a new Niger.
Only the young have the stamina and energy to carry out the tough job of diver. Yet there is no bitterness among these blacks, who have managed to preserve customs that are full of freshness and poetry. Like building a bamboo house for a 16-year-old mother-to-be.
The river takes part in this celebration of hope and joy, carrying the couple slowly and wisely on a bamboo raft to