Recent documentaries

BIENVENUE A RIANTE VALLEE (Welcome to Riante Valley)

François BREY
Version : French
Duration : 26'
Format : Béta SP, DVCam
Distribution : Odyssée
Producer : Camélomanes
Country France
With Christophe PERAY
Picture François BREY
Stage set Massif du Mont-Blanc
Archive footage - Table in a refuge (Argentières)
- Cristallier searching an oven with his rake,
- Climbing an unstable scree,
- Passing through snow and crossing crevasses,
- Climber's leg torn off and helmet following an accident
- Dangerous climbing in an avalanche-prone area,
- Bivouacking at altitude,
- Extraction of a beautiful piece,
- Cleaning the harvest,
- Presentation to a collector.

In summer, the Mont-Blanc Massif sees the stealthy silhouettes of crystal-makers in search of a kind of Grail: rock crystal. There are less than a dozen of them in the Chamonix region, unearthing these translucent stones that lie dormant at the heart of the steepest rock faces, in cracks and cavities that crystal-cutters call “ovens”. Christophe Peray, a solitary adventurer, shares his passion with us and leads us on a quest for these treasures of the summits.