DEUX PETITS ANGES (Two little angels)

Version : French
Duration : 20'
Format : 35 mm., 16 mm., Béta SP
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Henri MARQUET, Roger RAFAL
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Roger RAFAL
Music René CLOEREC
Picture Jean MOUSSELLE
Stage set In the forest
With the participation of Centre National de la Cinématographie
Prize list - Children playing Tarzan in the woods, jumping from branch to branch.

Gideon, an eccentric character and friend of the family, disturbs two children playing Tarzan on the family estate. The children, unhappy at the intrusion, set a series of traps for Gideon to avoid being caught out. Gideon is caught in all these traps and emerges soaked, crumpled and in bad shape. After the last trap set for Gédéon, the children return home and change back into their school uniforms. They start playing croquet to give the appearance of having been there all afternoon. But Gédéon appears and strongly suspects the children of his misadventures, without being able to formally accuse them.