Documentaries 50/60

DU SEL, DU CALCAIRE, DU COKE (Salt, limestone, coke)

Version : French
Duration : 18'
Format : 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Béta SP - Mpeg4
Distribution : Planète
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Henri CROLLA & André HODEIR
Picture Jacques MERCANTON
With the participation of avec le concours de Pechiney
Prize list 2° prix à la XVI° Mostra Internazional d’Arte Cinematografica - Mostra del Film Scientifico e del Documentario d’Arte - Venise - 1955
Archive footage - Sea salt mining,
- Quarrying limestone using dynamite,
- Steam train pulling wagons loaded with limestone,
- Limestone processing plant: furnaces, machinery,
- Machine control room, factory worker,
- Polyvinyl chloride manufacturing plant,
- Stylist installing the window of a clothing shop,
- Different types of packaging,
- Manufacture of electrical wires,
- LP pressing, Furniture shop
- Baggage handler loading suitcases into the hold of an aircraft.

Colour film, B/W screening element.

Film showing the various stages in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride from its basic compounds: salt, limestone, coke and electricity. This new material is used in textiles, leather goods and upholstery, interior fittings and also in industry: manufacture of sheaths for electrical cables, packaging products, microgroove discs, etc.