Documentaries 50/60

EMBARQUEMENT POUR LE CIEL (Boarding for the sky)

: 1954
Version : French
Duration : 18'
Format : 35 mm., 16 mm., Béta Digit., Béta SP, DVCam
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Jean AUREL
Producer : TÉLÉFILMS
Country France
Music Musique Populaire du 18° s.
Picture Arcady / Antonio HARISPE
Stage set 18th century engravings
Archive footage - Engravings and illustrations from the late 18th century recounting the first balloon ascents near Paris, with special effects of hot-air balloons rising above the crowds.

The first successful balloon ascent was attempted by Pilastre de Rozier on 5 June 1783. This first feat was to be followed by many others, always dangerous, sometimes unfortunate, and which were repeated until the appearance of the aeroplane, which put an end to the career of the “lighter than air”.