Recent documentaries

ENTRE CIEL ET TERRE (Between sky and ground)

Philippe WORMS
Version : French
Duration : 52'
Format : Béta SP, DVCam
Distribution : 8 Mont-Blanc, Muzzik
Scriptwriter : Philippe WORMS
Producer : P.A.V. Communication
Country France
With Zéphyrin CASTELON
Music Musique locale, pratiques campanaires
Picture François KUHNEL
Stage set Upper Nice region
With the participation of Ministère de la Culture - Direction de la Musique, ADEM 06, Centre National de la Cinématographie, Procirep.
Archive footage - Casting a bell in the village,
- Travelling carillon
- Carillon ringers in action,
- Local festivities

The spellbinding power of the sounds and rhythms that have for centuries marked a still time of birth and death, the ringing of bells and the activity of bell-ringing continue in the Haut-Pays Niçois, strongly linked to a whole range of musical practices. In these valleys where men have had to leave to earn their living, the familiar language of bells marks a paradoxical echo of their own lives. In these valleys, where men have had to leave to earn their living, the familiar language of the bells is a paradoxical echo of their own lives. Through the destiny of one man, the film weaves together the tenuous threads that make the bell-ringers the protagonists of a fragile collective memory.