Feature films

FARO, LA REINE DES EAUX (Faro, Queen of the Waters)

Duration : 97'
Format : HD 16/9
Distribution : Canal + Horizons
Scriptwriter : Salif TRAORÉ, OLIVIER LORELLE
Producer : P.A.V. Communication - Boréal Films - Sarama Films - D.C.N. -
Country France Canada
With Sotigui KOUYATÉ - Fili TRAORÉ - Hélène M. DIARRA - Djénéba KONÉ - Habib DEMBÉLÉ
Music Bassekou KOUYATÉ
Picture Jean-Pierre GAUTHIER
Stage set Sekoro village (Mali)
With the participation of BÄRBEL MAUCH FILM - CANAL PLUS HORIZON
Prize list - Berlin 2007 - Programme officiel - Sélection "Forum" - FESPACO 2007 - Film d'ouverture - Toronto 2007 - Contemporary World Cinema - Sélection - FIFF Namur 2007 - Bayard d'Or de la Meilleure Première Œuvre - Montréal 2007 - Festival "Vues d'Afrique" - Sélection - Edinburgh 2007 - International Festival Film - "Rosebud" Selection - La Rochelle 2007 - 1° Festival du Film Francophone - Mention Spéciale du Jury

Zan, an adulterous child, returns to his village, many years after being expelled, to find out who his father is. His arrival coincides with sudden movements by Faro, the river spirit, interpreted as a sign of anger at the arrival of the bastard.