Documentaries 50/60

GEORGES DE LA TOUR, PEINTRE OUBLIÉ (Georges De La Tour, the forgotten painter)

Version : French
Duration : 20'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Black & white and colors
Distribution : RAI Sat
Scriptwriter : Jean FAUREZ
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Avec André LHOTE et Pierre LANDRY, commentaire dit par François PERIER
Music Georges VAN PARYS
Picture Antonio HARISPE

At the beginning of the 20th century, scattered around various museums, there were half a dozen canvases with curious nocturnal lighting effects. No one had yet thought of grouping and comparing them, let alone restoring them to their author, an unknown artist whose signature could sometimes be read at the bottom of the paintings. This film is, in a way, the story of an investigation carried out in 1913 by a German art critic who set himself the task of finding, after centuries of oblivion, the name of a painter who had produced a body of work whose plastic quality struck even the most uninformed mind. Today, 19 paintings have been returned to their creator: Georges de la Tour, a painter from Lorraine who was very popular at the court of Louis XIII. Recently authenticated, the painter’s style makes them easily recognisable thanks to the highly personal tone of his colours. This resurrection gave Georges de la Tour a new lease of life, and put him back on the map as a major painter of his time.