Version : English
Duration : 26'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Béta SP
Black & white
Producer : TÉLÉFILMS
Dolores GRAY, Edith PIAF, Margit & Margot, Raymond GIRERD
Stage set
Differents areas in Paris - Studio
Archive footage
- Traffic: Rue Royale, Place de la Concorde, The Grands Boulevards.
- Wooden horse merry-go-round,
- Acrobatic dance : the twin sisters MARGIT & MARGOT,
- Scenes from Paris: rain on the Place de l'Opéra, fly boat on the Seine, florist's cart,
- Dolores GRAY sings Paris and Cest si bon in English,
- Tap dance number by the STEPS BROTHERS,
- Edith PIAF: Ode to Love in French and English,
- Cabaret number with the Bluebell Girls.
Dolores GRAY, an American star, lands in Paris where she is greeted by five admirers who fight over the favour of accompanying her on her strolls through Paris. Bob takes her to the funfair: an acrobatic dance number by MARGIT and MARGOT. Ted shows him Raymond GIRED performing Charles Trénet’s “Retour à Paris”. Peter introduces her to the pleasures of gardens and sentimental walks, and she sings him “C’est si bon”. Stephen invites her to see the STEPS Brothers, while Steve takes her to hear Edith PIAF record “L’Hymne à l’Amour”. Finally, the film ends with a cabaret number with the BLUEBELL GIRLS.