Version : French
Duration : 11'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - DVCPro - Mpeg4
Distribution : Rai Val d'Aoste
Scriptwriter : Lionel TERRAY
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Lionel TERRAY, commentaire Bernard BLIER
Jean Philippe RAMEAU (Ed. Loiselet)
Georges STROUVÉ & Jacques ERTAUD
Stage set
Le Massif du Mont-Blanc
Archive footage
- Loading of skis and bags by L. Terray's team,
- Arrival and departure at the refuges,
- Ascent of rocky terrain and snowy slopes,
- Installation of sealskins on skis,
- Ascent in sealskins among the seracs,
- The snack break,
- Waiting in the refuge,
- Ascent near the summit, wind blowing the snow,
- Ski descent by L. Terray and his companion, fall on skis,
- Crevasse jump
First ski descent of the North Face of Mont Blanc. Lionel Terray and a few friends set off to climb Mont Blanc. A climb like any other if it wasn’t for the subsequent descent on skis. A classic route marked out by the Grands-Mulets and Vallot refuges. At 4,300m, part of the team descended before bad weather forced the rest of the team to bivouac. Mont Blanc was finally reached. In the icy air, Lionel Terray and his companion buckled the frozen straps on their skis. A moment’s hesitation and the great descent begins, unstoppable by seracs or crevasses.