Fiction short films

L’AMI (The Friend)

Version : French, Japanese
Duration : 26'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta SP - Mpeg4
Black & white
Producer : ARMOR FILMS - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Nikaru HAYASHI
Stage set Countryside and seaside in Japan
With the participation of CARLTON Film Export
Archive footage - Herd of wild horses with a foal and its mother,
- Young boy dressed as a samurai,
- Girl dressed as a geisha,
- Child riding a horse on a beach and along a cliff.

Shinkichi, who has been given an old horse by his father, has the task of entertaining the village children by organising horse rides on the beach. But when the children get tired of the new game, the horse has to be sold. One day, during a ride on the cliff, Shinkichi falls and is left unconscious. The horse will warn the villagers and the child will be saved. Shinkichi will never forget it.