Fiction short films

LE CHANT DU PIROGUIER (The piroguer’s song)

Version : French
Duration : 11'
Format : Super 16
Scriptwriter : Alain CLERC-OURGAN
Producer : P.A.V. Communication
Country France
Picture Christophe GÉRIMANT
Stage set Morocco - Todgha canyon
Prize list - CNC Mentions Commission - April 1987 - Selection Perspectives Cannes 1987
Archive footage - Moroccan women washing their clothes in the river,
- Old man washing a carpet while dancing to a rhythm,
- Moroccan children diving into the river,
- Child riding a donkey up the riverbed into the gorge,
- Children playing in Morocco. A film-maker in Paris listens to the voice of his heroine, an opera singer. The song links the two spaces. The film was never shot.

Children playing in Morocco. A film-maker in Paris listens to the voice of his heroine, an opera singer. The song links the two spaces. The filming does not take place.