Documentaries 50/60

LE GRAND PARADIS (The Grand Paradis)

Version : French
Duration : 32'
Format : 35 mm - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Distribution : Rai Val d'Aoste
Scriptwriter : SAMIVEL
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Jean WIENER
Stage set Massif du Grand Paradis in Val d'Aoste
Prize list Prix du Court-Métrage du jury des spectateurs de l'Association Française des Amis du Cinéma - Paris - 1957
Archive footage - White partridge in winter plumage, young partridges,
- Old ibex and young females drinking from a lake,
- Marmot and its young snooping around,
- Birds of prey: buzzard, owl, great horned owl in close-up, eagle,
- Young fox lying in wait,
- Herd of chamois and young jumping in the snow,
- Chamois fleeing from an approaching eagle,
- Ibex in a group,
- Snow avalanche in spring,
- Young chamois lost,
- Thunderstorm: lightning, rain, wind, torrent swollen by rain.

Gran Paradiso is the name of this lost world in the Italian Alps, where plants, animals and threatened silences have found refuge. A world where waterfalls continue to roar for their own pleasure, that of the sun or the abyss. Forests know no axe, flowers no gathering and animals no longer fear the hunter. The chamois climb the steep slopes of the névés in complete peace, playing in the névés while the marmot, very busy, goes off to graze its morning breakfast, wary of the eagle that sharpens its feathers in the icy wind from the summits or of the young fox whose cunning spirit is still lacking. Noon… The heat is getting heavier. The animals instinctively seek shelter from the storm, which bursts and disappears as quickly as it came. Now the animals dry out in the fading sun. Soon there is only a glimmer of sunset in a small lake, and the animals of Greater Paradise can peacefully await the promise of dawn.