Fiction short films

LE RENDEZ-VOUS (The appointment)

Version : French
Duration : 13'
Format : 35 mm. - Béta SP
Black & white
Scriptwriter : Daniel WATTON
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Roger COGGIO
Music Jimmy WALTER
Picture Roger FELLOUS
Prize list - Label à la Qualité - CNC - 1959
Archive footage - Man taking a taxi on the Champs Elysées,
- Children playing ball near the canal de l'Ourcq,
- Views of the canal de l'Ourcq: barge, bridge, banks of the canal,
- Lovers near the canal.

What is “Le Rendez-vous”? A film about waiting, or about waiting. We’re not sure… There’s a packet of letters. A phone call. Blackmail… Love letters… It’s hard to say… A watch that doesn’t work properly, a feeling of being late. And when the clock strikes six, he realises he’s ten minutes early. Ahead of what? Perhaps his destiny. And for ten minutes we follow the build-up of expectation, nervousness, anxiety and uncertainty. At the sixth stroke of the clock, he dies because his destiny was on time. His destiny or the author of the letters? Blackmail… Love letters… We don’t really know.