Version : French
Duration : 24'
Format : 35 mm - Béta Digit. - Béta SP - DVCam
Black & white
Scriptwriter : René MARCILLY
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Stage set
University of Algiers
Archive footage
- Overview of the Ben Akoum university campus in Algiers,
- University library. Law classes in the lecture hall,
- Practical work on a microscope. Law lessons on the radio,
- Students taking psychological tests (roschach).
- Berliet coach on a road near the Baie du Chesnoy,
- Demonstration of prehistoric flint knapping,
- Institut d'Etude Nucléaire (particle accelerator),
- Visit to the ruins of a Roman villa and excavations by workers,
- Collecting malaria larvae in a ghelta,
- Defense of thesis in law. Visit to the Bardo Palace in Algiers
- Experiment with solar ovens. Weather surveys in the Hoggar
The University of Algiers is 50 years old. It is an organisation grouping together four faculties. While disciplines such as law and literature are taught in the traditional way, the same cannot be said for other fields, such as science, which uses modern techniques. They were studied in a wide variety of places, because the University had an influence on the whole of Algeria: meteorology in Tamanrasset, nuclear physics in Algiers, study of the seabed off the coast, excavation of Roman remains in Tigara, psycho-testing of Muslim children at the Mustapha Hospital, astronomical research at the Bouzaréa Observatory, etc.
The University of Algiers is thus open to the most recent advances in human knowledge.