Recent documentaries

L’HISTOIRE DE FRANCK ET DAVID (The history of Franck and David)

Brigitte LEMAINE
Version : French
Duration : 73'
Format : Béta SP
Distribution : Images Plus - Canal 15 - Télessonne - Planète
Scriptwriter : Brigitte LEMAINE
Producer : P.A.V. Communication - CANAL 15 - IMAGES PLUS
Country France
With Franck MAHOP, David FAVIER, Bernard LEMPERT, Philippe GUTTON
Music Brigitte FONTAINE, Timide et Sans Complexe
Picture Jean Luc RIGAUD
Stage set Paris
With the participation of Ministère de l'Education Nationale, Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Solidarité, Fondation de France, Ligue Française pour la Santé Mentale, C.N.C., Procirep
Prize list Clé d'Argent - 23° Festival International Ciné Vidéo Santé Mentale - Santé Publique - 1999

In 1989, I met Franck and David in an institution for the mentally handicapped where I was making a documentary. As far as I was concerned, they didn’t belong there. They were 17 and 19 at the time, and I asked them to tell me their story so that I could make a film about it. It would take me nine years to make it, nine years during which I would understand more and more the story I wanted to tell by interviewing them and watching them live and evolve. A story in two voices about two sufferings that they themselves can tell us at the age of 26 and 28. They will be assisted by Bernard Lempert, psychotherapist and child protection trainer, and Philippe Gutton, psychiatrist and professor specialising in homelessness. The aim is to highlight the causal relationship between abuse, failure at school and homelessness.