MÉTIER DE STYLISTE (Stylist’s job)

Duration : 18'
Format : 35 mm. - Mini DV
Producer : ARMOR FILMS / Fred ORAIN & Raymond SCHWARTZ
Country France
Music Pierre SPIERS
Picture Jean PENZER & Lucien JOULIN
With the participation of Institut d'Esthétique Industrielle. Conseiller Technique Pierre THEUBET
Prize list - Selected at Mannheim Internationale Filmwoche - 1961 - Selected at la Mostra Internazionale d'Arte Cinematographica - Mostra del Film Scientifico e del Documentario d'Arte - Venise - 1960
Archive footage - Various models of radio and TV sets,
- Industrial design studios,
- Car detailing studios,
- The first videophones.

Designers invent everything, starting with their craft. He dresses what the machines make to participate in our daily lives. But it’s not enough to use a pencil with taste and skill to become a “designer”. It is also necessary to understand the inner workings of an object or appliance in order to shape its exterior without compromising its elegance, to be skilful at eliciting the confidences of users in order to take account of their criticisms, to choose the colours and materials likely to improve sales, to respect the imperatives of safety or industrial production. By synthesising these sometimes contradictory requirements, the stylist prepares our habits for tomorrow and gives our era the appearance on which it will be judged.

Mini DV scan from an editing table screen capture.