Documentaries 50/60


Georges FRANJU
Version : French, English
Duration : 14'
Format : 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Black & white
Distribution : W.D.R.
Scriptwriter : Georges FRANJU
Producer : TÉLÉFILMS
Country France
With Nicole STEPHANE, Lucien HUBERT
Music Frédéric cHOPIN
Picture Marcel FRADÉTAL
Prize list - Short Film Prize from the jury of spectators of the Association Française des Amis du Cinéma - Paris - 1956
Archive footage - Man making a photographic print from a photographic plate
- Reconstruction of a laboratory at the turn of the century,
- A researcher carrying out experiments in this laboratory,
- Painting by Mendeleiv,
- Coal cart pulled by horses (a horse skids at the beginning of the shot)
- Woman pouring water in a tub over a fire in a courtyard,
- Couple with two children walking in the woods.

Pierre and Marie Curie’s work, which led to the discovery of radium and radioactivity, began with a photographic plate that was inexplicably obscured. The greatest discovery of the century was above all the work of a couple of genius researchers, who owed their success to a tenacious will, more than to the paltry means at their disposal, and to a perfect understanding that was to be interrupted by Pierre Curie’s sudden death in 1906.