Documentaries 50/60


Une Équipe de Prisonniers
Version : French
Duration : 25'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta SP - Mpeg4
Black & white
Distribution RTP (Portugal)
Scriptwriter : Maurice RENAULT
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Commentaire dit par Raymond RAYNAL
Music Jean WIENER
Picture Une Équipe de Prisonniers
Stage set A prisoner camp in Germany
Prize list Prix du Court-Métrage du Jury des spectateurs de l'Association Française des Amis du Cinéma - Paris - 1955
Archive footage - General aspect of the Oflag XVIIA camp,
- Groups of prisoners behind barbed wire,
- Stealing a parcel and concealment techniques,
- Start of the day: waking up, breakfast, washing up, roll call,
- Prisoners in the library,
- Camp in the snow,
- Photographic session,
- Search session,
- Preparing an escape tunnel,
- Religious service, theatrical performance,
- Evacuation of prisoners at the end of the war and liberation

Prisoner of war… An ordeal as old as the world, shared by millions of men during the Second World War, a long complaint of which countless accounts, thousands of sketches, sometimes photos, remain today, but also a film ‘shot’ under the cloak by Frenchmen in a German camp, a single and unique film, made despite enormous risks, with ingenuity that never failed, with a faith as tenacious as hope.