Documentaries 50/60

PIERRES VIVES (Bright stones)

Version : French
Duration : 15'
Format : 35 mm. - Béta SP
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Texte dit par Hélène CALLOT
Music Marc LANJEAN
Picture Marcel GIBAUD
Stage set Church of Aulnay de Saintonge
Archive footage - Ruined and derelict Romanesque churches and buildings,
- Elements of Romanesque architecture: vaults, gargoyles, capitals, friezes, arches, domes, columns.

For many, the church of St Pierre d’Aulnay in Saintonge is the most successful masterpiece of Romanesque art in France. It was one of the main stops on the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. We look at it as the pilgrims did in days gone by. Their joys, their sorrows, the legends they told each other, the dreams they had under the vaults, are brought to us by the voice of a young girl. At her call, the golden stones come to life. Under the caress of the sun, the shadows and the lights take on a wild race, the demons grimace and the monsters of the Bestiary of the East take on a mysterious life.