Documentaries 50/60

PRESTIGE DE LA QUALITÉ (Prestige of quality)

Version : Frenche, English, Spanish
Duration : 31'
Format : 16 mm. - Béta SP - DVCam
Black & white
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Jean WIENER
Picture Pierre ANCRENAZ
Stage set Factories
With the participation of Syndicat des Constructeurs de Pompes, Centre National de la Cinématographie
Archive footage - Port Jérôme refinery,
- Paper mill: logs on a conveyor belt, pulp tank,
- White wine tasters in a cellar,
- Cellar worker shaking bottles to remove deposits from the corks,
- Pump machinery for the Eiffel Tower lifts,
- Dry-docking an ocean liner.

Every heartbeat sends out regenerated blood that nourishes living cells and sustains life. Every day, countless pumps, veritable “metallic hearts” whose rhythm sets the pace of modern industrial life, transport not only water but a wide variety of fluids. Through its many examples, this film shows that modern industry can meet every demand in this field.