Version : French
Duration : 31'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Béta SP
Black & white
Distribution : RMC Découverte HD24
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Marcel DELANNOY et Arthur HOÉRÉE
Stage set
Diving the Batiscaphe
With the participation of
Service Cinématographique des Armées
Archive footage
- Stratospheric balloon and 1st batyscaphe by prof. Picard,
- Foundry with workers, manufacture of the sphere,
- Cdt. Cousteau working on setting up the batyscaphe,
- Diving of the FNRS II batyscaphe and recovery,
- Construction and launching of the FNRS III batyscaphe,
- Helicopter overflight of the batyscaphe towed out to sea,
- Preparing for the dive, frogmen diving
- Final instructions before the descent,
- Deep descent,
- The two men inside the sphere of the batyscaphe during the dive.
Diving to great depths was only possible following extensive experiments conducted by Professor Picard with the Batyscaphe off Dakar. The first experiment showed the FNRS II Batyscaphe reaching a depth of 1,500 metres in a non-embarked dive and, despite being watertight, having suffered enormously from the swell. Two years later, the Bathyscaphe FNRS III, built in Toulon, dived off Dakar and reached a depth of 4050 m two hours later. It carried two men and a camera which, through a porthole and with the help of projectors, gives us the first images of another world.