Documentaries 50/60


Version : French, English, Spanish, German
Duration : 24'
Format : 35 mm.
Scriptwriter : Jean MOUSSELLE
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
With Avec la participation d'Émile ALLAIS, textes de Rousseau et Lamartine dits par Nadine ALARI et Henri DOUBLIER
Music Georges VAN PARYS
Picture Jean MOUSSELLE
Prize list Sélectionné au II° Certamen International de Cine Documental ibero-americano - 1960

No country on the plains, however beautiful, has ever seemed so beautiful to me…”.
In Savoie, Jean-Jacques Rousseau found a setting to match his imagination. The deep blue lakes, the little rivers that lurk at the bottom of ravines, the waterfalls, the torrents that tumble down the fir-covered mountains, are also, for the “solitary walker”, the route that takes him back to Chambéry and Les Charmettes to experience his great love.
On Lac du Bourget, Lamartine would come to seek the shadow of Elvire, near the necropolis of Hautecombe where the Savoy dynasty had fallen asleep.
Castles of dreams, memories of conquests and crusades that also speak of a marriage of love with France, abbeys and small churches that speak of the faith of the Savoyard, fields of crosses that bear witness to the love of freedom, alive in the hearts of the men of the mountains, of this mountain that, a hundred years ago, inspired only feelings of terror…
Since then, the interminable torpor of winter has become the great snow festival, but with spring, Savoie rediscovers its true face and soul.