Documentaries 50/60

SUR L’ARROYO (On the Arroyo)

Version : French
Duration : 11'
Format : 35 mm. - 16 mm. - Béta Digit. - Mpeg4
Scriptwriter : Guy LORIQUET
Producer : ARMOR Films - Fred ORAIN
Country France
Music Georges DELERUE
Picture Guy LORIQUET
Stage set On the Arroyo in China
Archive footage - Chinese junks on the Arroyo,
- Aerial view of Cholon,
- Floating city of sampans on the Arroyo,
- Scenes of life on the sampans,
- Water merchant filling his boat,
- Itinerant traders in pirogues,
- Houses on stilts and traffic along the canal,
- Sawmills, logs hoisted by a winch, pitsawyers,
- Devout devotees burning incense in a pagoda,
- Atmosphere inside the pagoda on a day of worship,
- Various rituals and acts of devotion.

Hundreds of junks glide along the rivers of Cochinchina. Their destination is Cholon, the great Chinese city and trading centre for the whole of South-East Asia. A long canal, the Arroyo, crosses it from one end to the other, where a multitude of sampans crowd along the banks, veritable floating houses where people drink, eat, sleep and work.
The “Canal aux Bois” brings together all the industries that use wood, from the sampan factories to the manufacturers of “jossticks”, small sticks of incense whose smoke is reminiscent of Chinese pagodas where the religious spirit, as we understand it, seems absent.
Here, the gods are historical figures elevated by popular belief to the rank of patrons or protectors. Very debonair gods who preside over the consultation of spells and demand only a little incense in return. All of this takes place in a joyous, good-natured fair atmosphere that is highly unexpected in a sacred place.