FRANCE-NOCES (France-Wedding)

Statistics show that there are twice as many funerals as marriages. In a well-organised society, fairness would dictate that there should be one funeral parlour for every two. This is far from the case! However, an effort has been made in this area by Société France-Noces. From the outset, this company has standardised wedding clothes, … Continued

ET QUE ÇA SAUTE ! (And let it jump !)

With the snow comes the great ski competitions. But this is a fantastic struggle in which each jumper deploys great efforts of imagination and astuteness, often unorthodox, to win. This film simultaneously uses the resources of live action and pen and brush drawings made directly on film.


Original Title : Un Amour de Chat Cupid the cat descends from the sky to the Land of the Beasts to stir up trouble and excitement in the hearts of the local tomcats and pussies. The arrows in the sky spare no one and the fever spreads to the other animals in the sky, on … Continued


Original title : Amour, Humour et Fantaisie The film is made up of the following four sketches: – Le Jouet du Hasard (The Toy of Chance) : Sid Ahmed is both in love with the strong-willed Fatiha and the softer Nacera, to whom he runs when Fatiha overpowers him too visibly. Such a situation can’t … Continued


Original Title : L’Aventure est au coin du bois In a school playground, a child tells his friends about an adventure that happened during the holidays. Gédéon, a former Customs sergeant, had taken him and two friends for a walk in the mountains. A film company was filming a battle scene with bandits. Gédéon and … Continued