LE PEINTRE ET LE POÈTE (The Painter and the Poet)

“Les Fleurs du Mal” has somewhat obscured the fact that Baudelaire was an art critic. It was in this capacity that he judged and celebrated the work of Delacroix, even though he spoke of it as a poet. The work of the great Romantic painter is presented through the eyes of Baudelaire, whose own words … Continued


Arthur Rimbaud’s poem from “Illuminations” has become the pretext for a film in which the resources of cinematographic technique and the illustrations proposed by Laure Garcin attempt to establish correspondences between the poetic images evoked by Arthur Rimbaud’s text and the plastic forms suggested to the imagination. In this poem, which has the privilege of … Continued

LA CHUTE DU BARBARE (Barbare’s fall)

This film deals with the Pont-Aven period in Gauguin’s work and his difficulty in practising his painting due to his lack of money and the disarray of his family situation. The voice-over reads from letters Gauguin wrote to his friends and family, in which he talks about his loneliness, his failing imagination and his passionate … Continued