LA CONQUÊTE DE L’EAU (Conquering the water)

Isolated in the countryside, a prisoner of tradition, the “Frênes” estate sees its harvests compromised by a seasonal drought. Alain, the farmer’s son, leaves for the factory, to the despair of Annette, his childhood friend. A fire is put out by a motorbike pump, prompting the purchase of pumping equipment. Pressurised water brings life back … Continued

LE CHEMIN DE L’ETOILE (The star path)

One Christmas Evening, a lonely rich man wanders the illuminated streets of festive Paris. On the Butte, he meets by chance a black man, Melchior, a small electrician by trade, who is also lonely. Looking out over the night-time panorama of the city, the two men unconsciously await Adventure. It comes in the form of … Continued