LE VAISSEAU SUR LA COLLINE (The ship on the hill)

The University of Algiers is 50 years old. It is an organisation grouping together four faculties. While disciplines such as law and literature are taught in the traditional way, the same cannot be said for other fields, such as science, which uses modern techniques. They were studied in a wide variety of places, because the … Continued

DU SEL, DU CALCAIRE, DU COKE (Salt, limestone, coke)

Colour film, B/W screening element. Film showing the various stages in the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride from its basic compounds: salt, limestone, coke and electricity. This new material is used in textiles, leather goods and upholstery, interior fittings and also in industry: manufacture of sheaths for electrical cables, packaging products, microgroove discs, etc.

PROFONDEUR 4050 (Depth 4050)

Diving to great depths was only possible following extensive experiments conducted by Professor Picard with the Batyscaphe off Dakar. The first experiment showed the FNRS II Batyscaphe reaching a depth of 1,500 metres in a non-embarked dive and, despite being watertight, having suffered enormously from the swell. Two years later, the Bathyscaphe FNRS III, built … Continued

PRESTIGE DE LA QUALITÉ (Prestige of quality)

Every heartbeat sends out regenerated blood that nourishes living cells and sustains life. Every day, countless pumps, veritable “metallic hearts” whose rhythm sets the pace of modern industrial life, transport not only water but a wide variety of fluids. Through its many examples, this film shows that modern industry can meet every demand in this … Continued


Pierre and Marie Curie’s work, which led to the discovery of radium and radioactivity, began with a photographic plate that was inexplicably obscured. The greatest discovery of the century was above all the work of a couple of genius researchers, who owed their success to a tenacious will, more than to the paltry means at … Continued

LA CONQUÊTE DU FROID (Conquering the cold)

For thousands of years, hostile to man and beast alike, the cold was nothing more than a natural scourge linked to the eternal return of winter. In the course of the last century, the liquefaction of certain gases made it possible to produce artificial cold, the useful and beneficial role of which has continued to … Continued