For more than 2,000 years, Lyon’s hours have followed one another. From dawn to night, over the centuries, we have seen this city whose commercial and industrial past has given it a false reputation for austerity. Old Lyon is the finest example of Renaissance architecture in the whole of France. Towers, staircases, underground passageways, hidden … Continued

VOLCANS ENDORMIS (Sleeping volcanoes)

Discovering an unknown, little-known or misunderstood region: the Auvergne, whose lunar landscapes at first glance make it as strange as a distant planet. Then it’s on to the search for different signs of the landscape, natural signs, human signs or even unusual signs, which will give us an in-depth knowledge of the country we are … Continued

DE TERRE ET DE MER (Land and sea)

“Land and sea”, the title already refers to Brittany, the ancient land of Armorique, Victor Hugo’s “foaming rock”. This film is a portrait of Brittany, not an inventory; it is not a review of famous sites, but a day in the life of Brittany, a day that could be this one as well as that … Continued

SAFARI NAMIBIE (Safari in Namibia)

A  five member French team, including a professional hunting guide, criss-crosses Namibia through savannah, desert and mountains. From bush camps that they have set up, the team is trying to rediscover the original meaning of safari: tracking and approaching the great African animals on foot, with the help of local trackers. These approaches are made … Continued


No country on the plains, however beautiful, has ever seemed so beautiful to me…”. In Savoie, Jean-Jacques Rousseau found a setting to match his imagination. The deep blue lakes, the little rivers that lurk at the bottom of ravines, the waterfalls, the torrents that tumble down the fir-covered mountains, are also, for the “solitary walker”, … Continued

SUR L’ARROYO (On the Arroyo)

Hundreds of junks glide along the rivers of Cochinchina. Their destination is Cholon, the great Chinese city and trading centre for the whole of South-East Asia. A long canal, the Arroyo, crosses it from one end to the other, where a multitude of sampans crowd along the banks, veritable floating houses where people drink, eat, … Continued

LA RUE CHINOISE ( The chinese street)

The Chinese street is one of the most picturesque spectacles in the Far East. It captivates the traveller with its vitality, the charm and infinite variety of its familiar silhouettes, and the multitude of vehicles that crowd it. On the pavements, where the traffic is so dense, you will come across a multitude of small … Continued

QUE SAVEZ-VOUS DE LYON ? (What do you know about Lyon ?)

“What do you know about Lyon ?” Pretty much what the dictionary says. It is the third largest city in France, spread over two hills and on the banks of two rivers: the ill-tempered Rhône, which is difficult to temper, and the gentle Saône. Lyon is the industrial capital of the south-east, with a commercial … Continued

REGARDS SUR L’INDOCHINE (Looks at Indochina)

Cholon, “Le Grand Marché”, a city built by the Chinese, is the most important of the six provinces of Lower Cochinchina. The shops with their ornate fronts are run by Chinese, men for the big businesses and women for the smaller ones. A district of Cholon works at making incense sticks. The Mekong criss-crosses Indochina, … Continued


For a very long time, in the lower tropical valley of the Rio Cali, in Colombia, the small village of Juanchito has been involved in some very curious activities: fishing for sand at the bottom of the river. These people, descendants of slaves, have managed to preserve their love of life and their sense of … Continued