LE JOUET DU HASARD (The toy of chance)

Sid Ahmed is both in love with Fatiha, whose strong-willed character gives him the support he needs, and with Nacera, who is softer, more feminine, and to whom he runs when Fatiha dominates him too visibly. Such a situation cannot go on forever, of course, and Sid Ahmed tells Nacera that he is going to … Continued

IL NE MENT JAMAIS (he never lies)

Herkous, a close relative of Alceste, has very little faith in the human race. He sees nothing but deceit, lies and duplicity. So Herkous is pleasantly surprised when M’Sili brings him back his wallet, which he has lost in the street, pleased when he refuses to accept any reward, and thrilled when he hears M’Sili … Continued

ILS ONT LE TRAC (They are nervous)

Sidi Melh is such a shy man that he doesn’t dare refuse Toufik the hand of his daughter Nacina, who dreams of Mourad, a boy at least as shy as his father. When the two men finally meet, they talk about everything but the essentials, so much so that Mourad simply writes his request on … Continued

HISTOIRES POUR RIRE (Tales for laughs)

This film is made up of four sketches: Gangster malgré lui, La Bonne Affaire, Le Point faible du Cadi, Le Guérisseur (see the individual film pages for summaries). The singer SALOUA performs a song at the end of the film.