UN CERTAIN ANIMAL (A certain kind of animal)

Two characters confront each other in this film: the multi-faceted woman, at turns a wild young girl and a sophisticated socialite, and, opposite her, the microscope that examines her with a mocking eye. Female charms flash across the screen, magnified several hundred times. We go from the eyes to the lips, from the teeth to … Continued

LE CHEMIN DE L’ETOILE (The star path)

One Christmas Evening, a lonely rich man wanders the illuminated streets of festive Paris. On the Butte, he meets by chance a black man, Melchior, a small electrician by trade, who is also lonely. Looking out over the night-time panorama of the city, the two men unconsciously await Adventure. It comes in the form of … Continued


Original title : À fleur d’eau “… Come closer to nature. Try to say, as if you were the first man, what you see… your faith in a beauty…” Rainer Maria RILKE’s poetry is first and foremost about nature, whose obvious beauty he loves: a flower, a spring evening, a pond… The pond, a receptacle … Continued


Original title : Amour, Humour et Fantaisie The film is made up of the following four sketches: – Le Jouet du Hasard (The Toy of Chance) : Sid Ahmed is both in love with the strong-willed Fatiha and the softer Nacera, to whom he runs when Fatiha overpowers him too visibly. Such a situation can’t … Continued


Original Title : L’Aventure est au coin du bois In a school playground, a child tells his friends about an adventure that happened during the holidays. Gédéon, a former Customs sergeant, had taken him and two friends for a walk in the mountains. A film company was filming a battle scene with bandits. Gédéon and … Continued


Original title : L’Ami Shinkichi, who has been given an old horse by his father, has the task of entertaining the village children by organising horse rides on the beach. But when the children get tired of the new game, the horse has to be sold. One day, during a ride on the cliff, Shinkichi … Continued